

  • Prior permission must be obtained from the Principal/Vice Principal/HM concerned for leave with reasons other than leave taken on medical grounds.
  • A day’s leave can be sanctioned by the VP/HM. Leave for two to four days can be sanctioned only by the Principal.
  • Leave will not be granted for attending family functions except for blood relatives for Std.10 to 12


  1. The school begins with Morning Assembly everyday. Attendance is compulsory. Those who are late / those who have been absent on the previous day must bring the late attendance / leave letter signed by the parents guardians to be shown to HM / Principal.
  2. Students should always be clean and well dressed in complete school uniform
  3. Pupils are responsible for the care of their personal belongings. It is not advisable to bring jewellery, ornaments, watches etc, to the school. The School Management takes no responsibility for their loss.
  4. Students should take care of the school furniture, should not lean against the wall, leave the school campus clean and tidy. Damage done to the school property must be paid as per the discretion of the principal / Correspondent.
  5. No student may leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal. Any person wishing to meet a student or teacher in the premises should get the permission of the school authority.
  6. Come to school in clean and appropriate uniform.
    • Avoid fancy accessories and footwear that is not part of the uniform.
    • Wear the school ID card to school everyday as part of the uniform. An ID card is part of the identification in times of emergency.
    • Dress in a clean, neat, modest and dignified way to school.
    • Make sure that footwear is polished and of the prescribed pattern.
    • Boys should tuck in their shirts neatly and wear the school belt everyday.
    • Boys are not permitted to sport long hair, fancy haircuts and beards.
  7. English, which is the medium of instruction in the school, should be normally used AT All TIMES in the school premises.
  8. Attendance is compulsory on the re-opening day of school. A fine of Rs.10/- per day will be collected from the pupil if they absent themselves without prior permission, on the Closing day, Annual day, Sports day, Project day etc.,
  9. No student will be allowed to attend the school with infectious diseases like chicken pox, mumps, measles etc. The HM / Principal will decide whether the student is fit to attend the school or not. When a student is on sick leave for more than five days, a Medical Certificate must be produced.
  10. Parents should see that their children doing home work properly and devote atleast two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening to study.
  11. All pupils are responsible to the authorities for their behavior inside and outside the school. Any objectionable behavior outside reported to the school authorities shall make the pupil liable to disciplinary action.
  12. Irregular attendance, habitual laziness, any kind of mal-practice in the exam etc., are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student from the school.
  13. Every pupil must have a copy of the School Handbook, which must be brought to the School daily.
  14. Parents will be updated through SMS alerts regarding their wards absence in the school, any irregularities, or change in the school schedule. Parents are requested to give their correct cell phone number for this pupose.
  15. Fees once remitted will not be returned or adjusted on any account.
  16. Three Terminal Examinations will be conducted and the progress reports will be issued to the pupils to be duty signed and returned by the parents.
  17. Change of address should be intimated to the school office immediately.